Blitz (328/640)

From:Sami N��t�nen
Date:7 Sep 99 at 10:24:16
Subject:Re: NTSC

On 06-Sep-99, James L Boyd wrote.

> David McMinn churned out *this* drivel:
>>> Or do you mean that stuff forced into NTSC mode works on your PAL TV?
>> Yep, I think so. You sometimes need to adjust the vertical sync of the TV
>> (if its got one that is, like my old 14") or if you've got a flashy TV
>> that does NTSC automatically, you're sorted.
> That's what I meant - NTSC modes work fine on my TV, and it's nothing
> special. Same with my brother's TV and my last TV! And I've never had
> any need to adjust syncs or whatever...
> Of course, the easy way out is to make it 200 (or 400?) high for both
> systems, and ForcePAL/NTSC as needed (BTW They hit Enforcer, so you
> might get complaints if you do this while in Amiga mode! There are
> replacements in...StatsFuncs.lha :)
> You should give PAL users the option to use NTSC mode too, cos I
> personally prefer 200-high screens to fill the whole thing (which
> it does in NTSC mode)...

Well all PAL amigas, which have colour composite output (read amiga 1200 ;)
can convert the NTSC screen to 60Hz PAL and all Commodore monitors can show
this and so does almost every TV too. If you use RGB output, then some tv's
can't display the picture, because they does NOT have RGB input.

For NTSC amigas I think they have something similar, but I don't know if
NTSC tv's can show NTSC 50Hz displays. So anybody have possibility to plug
NTSC 1200 for NTSC tv and put the Amy in PAL?

Sami N��t�nen

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